We changed the Alex Hanscom Memorial Scholarship his year to included an athlete and art student. The Alexandra Hanscom Memorial Scholarship Fund is awarded to a two-sport female senior for four years and have taken two years of Art including Advanced Art. If you have any questions, please contact the Future Planning Center.
No Prerequisite ~ .5 credit Fee $15...This class is prerequisite to ALL PHS art classes
ART I: Drawing Skills
Course Overview: This is a skill-building drawing course that will focus heavily on the Element of Value/Shading and will touch on all of the Principles of Design. Students will work with a variety of black and white drawing mediums: pencil, charcoal, and ink. Students will learn or continue to develop a variety of drawing techniques. A conceptual framework for critical analysis is presented along with basic art theory.
Homework is designed to provide an opportunity for regular practice outside the classroom. Students will gain the most personal growth if they can dedicate a significant amount of time (1 hour or more every week) to practicing skills learned in class. HW is also an opportunity to foster creativity and practice creating strong compositions. HW asks students to combine three things not commonly found together, in an interesting way, creating an original composition. Students are ALWAYS expected to use reference material to work from.
Class Critiques of student work.
Basics are used to introduce new skills, mediums, techniques, and concepts.
Projects follow the “Basics” taking the new medium, technique, or concept and applying it to a finished work of art assessing the new skill acquired through Basics. Projects ALSO build on previous skills. Choosing to not participate or practice a skill will have a snowball effect. Later Projects AND Classes will continue to add new skills, mediums, and concepts but will continue to build on ALL previous skills learned.
Warmup Drawings are only done on “long” periods at the beginning of class. Students will draw for a solid 10-15mins without interruption. No talking and continuous drawing of a single object is required to receive points. This activity focuses on drawing from observation for a designated amount of time. Finishing quickly or before I call time is not the goal. It is okay to have an unfinished drawing; Quality over Quantity.
These four categories are designed to generate growth. The beginning and ending stages of growth look different from student to student. Growth can only be accomplished by practice. Practice happens when each assignment is done in the spirit in which it was assigned and not as busy work to appease your parent, teacher, or anyone else. The habits, practices, and expectations that demonstrate effort are taught in class.
The amount of EFFORT YOU put into this class will determine the amount of GROWTH YOU gain from this class.
Fee $15: includes - 6B graphite pencil, Mars Plastic Eraser, Double Blending Stump, 8.5 x 11-inch Sketch Book, two different Sharpie pens, 6B Charcoal Pencil, White Charcoal Pencil. If supplies are lost, it is the student's responsibility to replace the item.
Plagiarism is the practice of taking someone else's work or ideas and passing them off as one's own.
For the purposes of this class removing someone else's name and or grade from their work and turning it in as your own will result in a score of a ZERO that cannot be made up. A referral for plagiarism will be given and documented on your record. A second offense will result in an F for a class grade.
Students are asked not to trace. Tracing is a shortcut and teaches you nothing. If students are caught tracing they will receive a score of ZERO and will be asked to redo the assignment with the highest possible score of a B. Repeated offense will result in a score of ZERO that cannot be made up.