We changed the Alex Hanscom Memorial Scholarship his year to included an athlete and art student. The Alexandra Hanscom Memorial Scholarship Fund is awarded to a two-sport female senior for four years and have taken two years of Art including Advanced Art. If you have any questions, please contact the Future Planning Center.
Fee: $35 Prerequisite: ART I, ART II, and ART III with a C or bet
Course Overview: This course will offer new mediums while continuing the development of drawing skills. Students will expand their drawing and mark-making to advance their visual communication skills by exploring a variety of design processes, techniques, and compositional and aesthetic concepts. Students will be expected to make more informed decisions about their art-making processes. Students will also be given the opportunity to start exploring individual interests with consideration to more sophisticated mark-making. Students will have a hands-on approach to tools and mediums used in studio art. For example, they will stretch their own canvas and use the light table for the first time to make repetitions of their art for commercial use. Students will also keep a sketchbook.
This course will also have a structured educational experience that connects learning to the world beyond the classroom to help students clarify career goals in the Arts. Students will continue to have the opportunity to experience career-related learning through field-based investigations, field trips, guest speakers, job shadow opportunities, and workplace simulations. Students will write a one-page artist statement, build an online portfolio in the form of a webpage, market their photography online, curate a showcased display of their own portfolio, and present a body of work to their peers in the form of our annual spring art show.
The sketchbook” you receive should be your “new best friend”. You need to carry it with you every day, everywhere! Open it up first thing in the morning last thing at night and many times in between. Draw in it, write in it, scribble in it, paint in it, glue things into it, cut the pages, tear the pages, change the way it looks to make it look like your own book... At the end of the year, it should reflect YOU and your experiences throughout the year. Work in your sketchbook is an ongoing process that will help you make informed and critical decisions about the progress of your work. Your sketchbook is the perfect place to try a variety of concepts and techniques as you develop your own voice and style.
Keep up with the work in your sketchbook and avoid a disastrous snowball effect!!!! Metaphorically, a snowball effect is a process that starts from an initial state of small significance and builds upon itself, becoming larger (graver, more serious), and also perhaps potentially dangerous or disastrous (a vicious circle, a "spiral of decline").
Basics are still used to introduce new skills, mediums, techniques, and concepts.
Projects follow the “Basics” taking the new medium, technique, or concept and applying it to a finished work of art assessing the new skill acquired through Basics. Projects ALSO build on previous skills. Choosing to not participate or practice a skill will have a snowball effect. Later Projects AND Classes will continue to add new skills, mediums, and concepts but will continue to build on ALL previous skills learned.
The “It’s All About Me” Showcase MUST hang on the assigned date.
“Art Explorations” will be used to inspire student’s exploration in their sketchbook. (5 due each quarter)
Plagiarism is the practice of taking someone else's work or ideas and passing them off as one's own.
For the purposes of this class removing someone else's name and or grade from their work and turning it in as your own will result in a score of a ZERO that cannot be made up. A referral for plagiarism will be given and documented on your record. A second offense will result in an F for a class grade.
Students are asked not to trace. Tracing is a shortcut and teaches you nothing. If students are caught tracing they will receive a score of ZERO and will be asked to redo the assignment with the highest possible score of a B. Repeated offense will result in a score of ZERO that cannot be made up.